What Supervisors Are Saying
"Mr. Kalanu functions extremely well in the classroom and his students are engaged and highly motivated to not only learn but follow all directions given by the teacher. The lessons are structured so that students easily understand what is required of them and are repetitive in nature so key concepts are highlighted over and over providing connections that are critical to student retention."
"Mr. Kalanu maintains a good working relationship with his colleagues and is very willing to accept comments from his cooperating teacher. His activities are well grounded in instructional practices and students enjoy learning."
"Students are well aware of routines and follow them specifically. In one case, a student was misbehaving and all Mr. Kalanu did was tell him "card" and the student went across the room and moved his card from green to amber. No time was lost to instruction and the student was not humilated or corrected in front of his peers. Classroom management system is excellent and students happily comply."
Mr. Harris, faculty supervisor University of Phoenix, Department of Defense Schools Principal